A S S I G N M E N T 05

Posted by Ovi | Posted in

For this assignment I have taken a few pictures in the studio, but not so many because I was mainly posing for the others to take pictures. And for the ones I took, I tried my best to come up with the most unusual and unique lighting setup I was able to by using more than two lamps or by using two 500w lamps and leaving one on the ground. Most of my pictures were taken outside the studio, however very close attention to lighting was paid, and there was a lot of experimentation that took place. I have bought a big bounce flash for my camera, the canon 580 EX II, and experimented with bouncing the light from white pieces of paper held by assistants in the air, white ceilings, white floor tiles to white cars and vans. I am more satisfied with the results I got outside of the studio than inside because the backgrounds and the lighting is more intriguing.

//.best 2 studio pictures:

//.best 2 OUT-of-studio pictures:

Comments (1)

  1. Hi Ovidiu:

    #4 good work 97
    #5 some great work here 97

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